Marshall's music, t-cells, t-shirts and more

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tanning Doesn't Cure Cancer but Grandma's Home-Grown Peaches Might

I would like to personally thank everyone who approached me a few weeks ago and said, "Wow, you look awful.  Are you feeling alright?" To be honest at the time I wanted to punch you in the mouth, but in the end it was your cruel honesty that helped coax me into a doctor's office (ask my Mom, this is no easy feat).

What does this have to do with tanning you may ask?  Well, I was feeling pretty self conscious about all the "you look really pale" comments, so I visited the tanning salon to try to fix the problem.

Twelve minutes in the super-ruva-tano-magic and slicked up with tanning lotion - I still looked like the albino in that weird Powder movie that came out in the 90s. The lady at the salon said it could take a couple days for the tan to sink in but when I started peeling white off white I knew the endeavor was a failure.

Bottom line, tanning doesn't cure anemia, or cancer for that matter, in fact, I'm pretty sure causes it.

On the flip side, I had my first real alone time in my hospital room on Sunday morning.  I sneaked down the hall, pulled out the jar of Grandma Joyce's home grown peaches I'd been saving in the fridge, and tiptoed back to my room for some quiet indulgence.

I didn't feel much better after 12 minutes of tanning, but I swear I felt more than back to normal after 12 minutes of Grandma's peaches.


  1. Hey Marsh! I just want you to know that you are such an amazing person! Your positive attitude is inspiring to us all! How is your cute wife handling this? My heart aches for her as well....hugs to you all!

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