Tonight for dinner, I just wanted milk and cereal. It's pretty cool to be all grown up so mom can't tell you no especially when you want that second bowl :).
I helped with decorations for our last Stake Relief Society conference. We made 280 little notes that we attached to little chocolates for all the ladies in the stake. The note said, "Neglect Not the Gift that is in Thee" taken from a scripture in Timothy. The take-home message I learned is that sometimes we make such a big deal out of the little things in our day when that is not what matters in the eternities. One thing my mom is very good at is focusing on relationships even if that means neglecting house chores :). I've been good at cleaning the house lately, but maybe should focus on those eternal relationships...
I also got to hang out with my sister Emily in Twin Falls this last week. She was extra busy for a few days trying to get her voice students ready for being judged at Festival. She went to a funeral the first day I was there and I just couldn't figure out how she got anything else besides watch the girls done in a day. After I fed them, Ellie had therapy, then Emma had to catch a bus for preschool, and they just kept me running. At one point Ellie really needed a nap and fell asleep on my big belly right next to her cousin. I tried to move her when Kaitlin came to visit, and she woke up cranky! It was so good to see my adopted little sister again. She kept saying, "I just can't get over you with a belly!" Ya, it's still weird for me too Katlebug. I had a lot of fun with Emma and when I came home I realized she had taken all kinds of pictures of random things at their house on my phone. Haha, love her ;).
Marshall's show in Provo was AWESOME! The crowd made it fun and the arrangement of songs was great. I wish I had pics to post of these good times, but I haven't been able to find my camera charger for a while, so enjoy the cereal and milk video!