Marshall's music, t-cells, t-shirts and more

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Half Full, Why Not Filled to the Brim

When my wife and I were dating she gave me this pin. She told me that when she saw it she thought, "That's so Marshall" and had to get it. I'm not entirely sure what's optimistic about ballistics but the little character does appear to have a bald head - so we have that much in common.

I've received a great deal of feedback that my positive attitude during this ordeal has been "inspirational". I must let you in on a little secret. The truth of the matter is that I don't have a lot of choices in this whole calamity. I can't choose to not have cancer, all I can do is choose how I react to the situation. I can wallow in self-pity and spend my days lamenting, "why me" or I can choose to find the joy in each day, be grateful, and be faithful that I can make it through this. When you think about it like that the choice is pretty easy.

As I made my many laps around the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit - you gotta get your exercise - I couldn't help but notice the titles of the different rooms and offices. One plaque read, "Mid Level Providers". This made me wonder, if the mid level providers are on the 8th floor where do they put the high level providers? On the roof? Furthermore, what do you tell people if you work for the low level providers; "I'm sorry, we only provide the crappy low level of service. If you wanted quality, you should have signed up with the guys on the roof."

Another plaque read "Consultation Room". Whenever I saw people in this room they seemed very somber and serious. I had the thought that maybe if we changed the name of the room that would help. Why does it have to be a "Con" sultation room... why not a "Pro" sultation room? That way they could focus on the pros of the situation rather than the cons.

This could be a huge opportunity. Think about it; we often invite colleagues to a "conference". What would happen though, if we had them attend a "proference"? Who knows! Instead of conversations people might have proversations. This would lead them to come up with new prostructive ideas. Think! Congress would be changed to Prongress and might actually make some progress! The economy would be transformed into an epronomy. Unemployment would be obliterated!

Wishful thinking? Probably, but still fun to contemplate; or should I say protemplate?

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